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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: 501 Group 1 IT History and Definition, World War II Era IT spreads from classroom ???? To the Military to train recruits, DEFINITION ???? Analysis of Learning/ Performance Problems, 1950s - 60s Sputnik inspires stronger emphasis on Math and Science - IT incorporates more modern equipment and resources ???? TV, Behaviorism First half of the 20th Century Stimulus/Response Direct instruction (using available technology) leads to expected outcomes Later Cognitivism 50s - 60s - 70s Learner is more involved in their own learning. Information is synthesized, not just memorized., Professional Organization ???? DVI - Division of Visual Instruction - Branch of NEA, Early 20th Century Use of available technologies to communicate information- VISUAL INSTRUCTION ???? 1930s - 40s Addition of recorded sound - Visual Instruction becomes Audiovisual, World War II Era IT spreads from classroom ???? To the workplace to train novice workforce, Early 20th Century Use of available technologies to communicate information- VISUAL INSTRUCTION ???? Film, Links to Learning Theories ???? Behaviorism First half of the 20th Century Stimulus/Response Direct instruction (using available technology) leads to expected outcomes, DAVI becomes AECT - Assn. of Educational Communication and Technologies ???? Membership morphs from school admin. and Visual Instruction coordinators to Library Directors. Mission has remained constant: helping people learn more efficiently and effectively through the use of the best technologies available at the time., 1970s Emphasis moves from technology to problem solving process ???? 1980s - 90s Personal Computer = shift from analog to digital media. Instructional Design comes to the forefront, Timeline ???? Early 20th Century Use of available technologies to communicate information- VISUAL INSTRUCTION, INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY Educational technology is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using, and managing appropriate technological processes and resources. ???? DEFINITION, Timeline ???? Early 20th Century Use of available technologies to communicate information- VISUAL INSTRUCTION, Analysis of Learning/ Performance Problems via Summative assessment - assesses mastery of standard, Roadblocks ???? Obstacles have been consistent over time., HISTORY ???? Professional Organization, Implementation and Management, Funding/cost and Design quality, Cognitivism 50s - 60s - 70s Learner is more involved in their own learning. Information is synthesized, not just memorized. Finally Constructivism Latter 20th Century - present. Design Process is as important as Technology. Learner takes ownership of his learing. Learning is interactive and collaborative. Learner seeks and creates own meaning.